Friday, July 18, 2008

By Glenn Arnette, lll

Have you been cuffed lately? I am talking about the latest fad running wild throughout Canada and the United States. There are handcuffs, heart cuffs, belt cuffs and more. No, I am not talking about S & M, but I am talking about the new and exciting cuffs of love by I.D. Jewelry. Why the even comes with CZ’s in sixteen colors of adjustable cords to fit everyone including men, women and children.

This new creation of jewelry comes to us from the French Designer Igal Dahan. (Now you know where the I.D. comes from!) The idea is one who embraces the Connection of Love through friends, family and relationships. It is also Hollywood’s latest trend! “The Cuffs of Love.

The collection also offers outstanding belts and comes in a double cuff belt, single cuff belt and they are locked by love. Believe me, this is a love thing and cuffing your loved one can bring about happy results. They are not inexpensive as it comes in stainless steel and gold plated. This is for those “in the flow”!

I spotted this collection while I was visiting in California and Miami. To my surprise it has really become popular with all ages. It makes a great presentation and certainly expresses your feelings without having to explain yourself.

Ladies, get your man the X-Large Cuffs with black cord. The men should consider the large heart cuffs with pink cord. It is the perfect idea for birthday, anniversary or Christmas.

To read more about this jewelry and to see additional pictures, go to www.ID-Jewelry.US or call the Miami office 305-267-7435 or email

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